Collaborating Effectively with Industry in Competency-Based Education

(Retired) | Last updated December 12, 2017

Course Length

1h 2m

Last Updated

December 12, 2017

Collaborating Effectively with Industry in Competency-Based Education

(Retired) | Last updated December 12, 2017


Join us for a webcast to help you better identify, approach, and engage industry partners in the program development process for competency-based education (CBE). David Schejbal, Dean of Continuing Education, Outreach, and Online Learning at the University of Wisconsin-Extension, will share strategies for collaborating with industry to develop both full-length CBE offerings and micro-credentials. Throughout the course of the webcast, we will explore questions like:

  • How to identify and approach potential industry partners with which to collaborate?
  • Who from the institutional side should be involved, and what are some common structures or models for these collaborations?
  • How can you effectively translate insights from industry (the world of practice) into meaningful insights about competencies and skills on the academic side?

Who should attend?

This webcast has been designed for those who develop CBE programs, and for those responsible for enrollments in those programs, who wish to learn more about the role that industry can play in the program development process.


Our expert instructor will address three main parts of the higher education/industry collaborative process in the context of CBE:

  • Identifying potential industry partners
  • Approaching and engaging industry partners
  • Managing the faculty-industry partnership in program development

Each section will contain advice and recommendations for how you can approach that phase on your campus, as well as examples from the instructor’s own experience developing both CBE courses and micro-credentials.

Why is this event retired?

At AI we want to always ensure that the best and most current trainings are available to members, and we regularly review our trainings to ensure that is the case.